Scottish Ceilidh, London, Southern England (LNsc05)


A top-notch 4 piece Scottish Ceilidh band! Who actually played at the Film Premiere for ‘Four Weddings A Funeral’.

The usual,regular line-up includes accordion/fiddle/keyboard/drums, together with their own experienced dance caller/MC. But – for THE big Celebration!

This Scottis Ceilidh band has built up an enviable reputation in England for top quality Scottish Ceilidhs, playing regularly at major Caledonian events and Scottish Balls – seriously, for weekend bookings, you will need to be looking at least 6/9 months in advance since the band already have numerous bookings into next year! Which just about says it all!

Fortunately, whilst being serious musicians, however, the band are also well aware that many functions require the ‘fun’ element as well, and they manage to bridge that territory very well whilst maintaining the sound of a top class Scottish Ceilidh band appreciated by experienced Scottish ‘reelers’ and Scottish country dance enthusiasts.

For truly Scottish nights, you may wish to use the services of your own particular MC – the band are happy to accommodate as you wish!

For the larger special occasions a five, six- or seven-piece band, including a Highland bagpiper, can be supplied including extra fiddles, flute and second accordion.


Will perform in:
