Now here’s a little (??) something more like folk/rock!
Apart from the musicians (come to them later!), Martin, the band’s own caller, is guaranteed to turn the “two-most-left-footist-reluctant-‘I ain’t gonna dance-I gotta war wound (an’ a sore head !!!)” into some sort of dancer that you’d be proud to fall over with! That’s some sort of an achievement. And acclaim! Martin’s business is – “get ’em on the floor!”
The ceilidh band are driven on by keyboards, backed by a driving bass guitar, drums and another guitar to give THAT rythym and compliment the ‘electric’ sound. And Martin’s infectious enthusiasm as the caller will ensure every body joins in.
This Barn Dance and Ceilidh band performs in West Midlands, East Midlands, West Wales, Worcs, Worcestershire, Birmingham, Shropshire, Ludlow, Telford, Stourbridge, Worcester, Wolverhampton,Stafford, Staffs, Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, Burton, Tamworth ,Derby, Derbys, Derbyshire, Leicester, Leics, Coventry, Warwick, Warwicks, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, Nuneaton